Walk The Talk
October 8, 2016
6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
La Mesa Ecopark, Quezon City
First Gen Corporation
WTT Safety reminders from First Gen
1.) Participants must wear sandals/shoes (with thick soles) or shoes that can be used comfortably on asphalt and unpaved surfaces. This is to protect participants against sharp rocks, twigs, etc. Long sleeves, pants, and hats are optional as protection clothing for sun/plant exposure (for those with allergic reaction to certain plants), although the activity is set to be done and concluded on the morning. A change of clothes is also recommended.
2.) Participants with children: Although children can participate in the activity, it shall be noted to parents/guardians that it will be their sole responsibility to look after their sons/daughters. Parents and guardians are advised to look after their children when traversing the wooded areas.
3.) Transportation: Buses, vans, and cars can reach the area with no difficulty via Commonwealth Ave.
4.) Advise all participants to avoid wandering alone on the wooded areas, climbing the stairs going up to the Dam, horseplaying on sloping and slippery areas, and unnecessarily damaging plants/trees. Also, remind participants to maintain the cleanliness of the area.
- Ronald Llobrera (First Gen)